15 years


Maik's Whisk(e)y Miniature Bottle Collection

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Aureum SM SW; DE; 7; 53.00%; 5.00cl; clear/quadrangular/-; W1630- 
Bayer. Bierwhisky Moorgeheimnis; DE; 0; 42.00%; 4.00cl; clear/other/-; W1029- 
Black Horse Ammertal Whisky; DE; 0; 40.00%; 2.00cl; clear/round/-; W1579- 
Blackwood Whisky; DE; 0; 40.00%; 4.00cl; clear/other/-; W0628- 
Bols Gold Top Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 3.00cl; brown/other/-; W0942- 
Bols Gold Topp Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 3.00cl; brown/other/-; W0942A 
Bosch Schwaebischer Whisky; DE; 0; 40.00%; 4.00cl; clear/flat/-; W1548- 
Brigg 5 Whisky; DE; 0; 40.00%; 2.00cl; clear/flat/-; W1425- 
Charley's Whisky Sour; DE; 0; 32.00%; 4.00cl; clear/other/-; W1624- 
Danne's Schwaebischer Whisky; DE; 0; 40.00%; 4.00cl; clear/quadrangular/-; W1580- 
Der Falckner Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 5.00cl; clear/quadrangular/-; W0546- 
Der Falckner Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 5.00cl; brown/quadrangular/-; W0546A 
Der Falckner Whisky; DE; 0; 40.00%; 4.00cl; brown/quadrangular/-; W0546B 
Der Falckner Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 5.00cl; brown/quadrangular/-; W0546C 
Der Falckner Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 5.00cl; brown/quadrangular/-; W0546D 
Doppelschluck Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 4.00cl; clear/other/-; W0378- 
Extra Feiner Racke Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 4.00cl; brown/round/-; W0380A 
Feiner Alter Mercedes Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 10.00cl; clear/flat/-; W1533- 
Finch Schwaebischer Highland Whisky; DE; 0; 40.00%; 10.00cl; clear/quadrangular/-; W1546- 
Finest Whisky Spirituosenspezialitaet; DE; 0; 40.00%; 2.00cl; clear/flat/-; W0993- 
Fleischmann Austrasier Single Cask Grain Whisky; DE; 0; 40.00%; 4.00cl; clear/other/-; W1131- 
Fleischmann Blaue Maus SM Whisky; DE; 0; 45.00%; 4.00cl; clear/other/-; W0631B 
Fleischmann Blaue Maus SM Whisky; DE; 0; 40.00%; 4.00cl; clear/other/-; W0631- 
Fleischmann Blaue Maus SM Whisky; DE; 0; 0.00%; 4.00cl; clear/other/-; W0631A 
Fleischmann Gruener Hund Single Cask Malt Whisky; DE; 0; 40.00%; 4.00cl; clear/other/-; W1132- 
Fleischmann Gruener Hund Single Cask Malt Whisky; DE; 0; 51.00%; 4.00cl; clear/other/-; W1132A 
Fleischmann Krottentaler SM Whisky; DE; 0; 40.00%; 4.00cl; clear/other/-; W0629- 
Fleischmann Old Fahr Single Cask Malt Whisky; DE; 0; 40.00%; 4.00cl; clear/other/-; W1506- 
Fleischmann Schwarzer Pirat SM Whisky; DE; 0; 40.00%; 4.00cl; clear/other/-; W0630- 
Fleischmann Spinnaker SM Whisky; DE; 0; 40.00%; 4.00cl; clear/other/-; W0632- 
Fleischmann Spinnaker SM Whisky; DE; 0; 48.00%; 4.00cl; clear/other/-; W0632A 
Fleischmann Spinnaker SM Whisky; DE; 0; 40.00%; 4.00cl; clear/other/-; W0632B 
Gold Ross Whisky - Rauchwuerzig Rein; DE; 3; 43.00%; 4.00cl; brown/round/-; W1382A 
Gold Ross Whisky - Reif Wuerzig Rein; DE; 0; 43.00%; 4.00cl; brown/round/-; W1382- 
Hammer Club Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 3.00cl; brown/round/-; W1061- 
Jacob Stueck Whisky; DE; 3; 43.00%; 2.00cl; brown/round/-; W0377A 
Jacob Stueck Whisky; DE; 8; 43.00%; 2.00cl; brown/round/-; W0377- 
Jacob Stueck Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 2.00cl; brown/round/-; W0377B 
Jacob Stueck Whisky; DE; 3; 43.00%; 2.00cl; brown/round/-; W0377C 
Jobst Whisky; DE; 4; 43.00%; 10.00cl; clear/round/-; W1623- 
Kohut Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 4.00cl; clear/round/-; W1075A 
Kohut Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 4.00cl; clear/round/-; W1075- 
Kohut Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 4.00cl; clear/round/-; W1075B 
Mampe C.M.B. Brand Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 10.00cl; green/round/-; W1609- 
Meisner Privat Whisky; DE; 0; 40.00%; 4.00cl; clear/flat/-; W1009- 
Mosel-Whisky; DE; 0; 0.00%; 5.00cl; clear/other/-; W0835- 
Mosel-Whisky; DE; 0; 37.00%; 5.00cl; clear/other/-; W0835A 
Orson Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 4.00cl; brown/round/-; W1520- 
Owen Albdinkel Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 10.00cl; clear/round/-; W1549- 
Racke Rauchzart Special Blend Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 4.00cl; brown/round/-; W0138A 
Racke Rauchzart Special Blend Whisky; DE; 0; 40.00%; 4.00cl; brown/round/-; W0069- 
Racke Rauchzart Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 4.00cl; brown/round/-; W0138- 
Racke Rauchzart Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 4.00cl; brown/round/-; W0138C 
Racke Whisky Rauchzart Mild; DE; 0; 43.00%; 4.00cl; brown/round/-; W0380- 
Ratsherr Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 5.00cl; clear/round/-; W1269- 
Rhenus Whisky; DE; 0; 0.00%; 4.00cl; clear/flat/-; W1424- 
Riverside Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 4.00cl; clear/round/-; W1076- 
Riverside Whisky; DE; 0; 40.00%; 4.00cl; clear/round/-; W1076A 
Riverside Whisky; DE; 0; 40.00%; 4.00cl; clear/round/-; W1076B 
Royal Whisky; DE; 4; 43.00%; 4.00cl; clear/round/-; W1422- 
Savoy Whisky; DE; 0; 0.00%; 2.00cl; clear/round/-; W1426- 
Schloss Marienburg Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 4.00cl; clear/other/-; W0994- 
Schwaebischer Single Grain Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 4.00cl; clear/round/-; W1281- 
Schwaebischer Whisky Aus Owen; DE; 0; 43.00%; 4.00cl; clear/round/-; W1074- 
Schwaebischer Whisky Aus Tuebingen; DE; 0; 40.00%; 2.00cl; clear/round/-; W1547- 
SLYRS Bavarian SM Whisky (2004); DE; 0; 43.00%; 5.00cl; clear/round/-; W1155- 
SLYRS Bavarian SM Whisky (2006); DE; 0; 43.00%; 5.00cl; clear/round/-; W1155A 
SLYRS Bavarian SM Whisky (2008); DE; 0; 43.00%; 5.00cl; clear/round/Set; W1155B 
Smoking Whisky; DE; 3; 43.00%; 5.00cl; clear/round/-; W1195- 
Tecker Swabian Single Grain Whisky; DE; 10; 40.00%; 4.00cl; clear/round/-; W1282- 
Tecker Swabian Single Grain Whisky; DE; 5; 40.00%; 4.00cl; clear/round/-; W1282A 
Tecker Swabian Single Malt Whisky; DE; 0; 40.00%; 4.00cl; clear/round/-; W1282B 
The Falckner Whisky (Jubilee-Mini-Bottle); DE; 0; 43.00%; 5.00cl; clear/round/-; W0547- 
The Glen Els Hercynian SMW; DE; 4; 45.00%; 5.00cl; clear/round/Box; W1521B 
The Glen Els Hercynian SMW; DE; 4; 45.00%; 5.00cl; clear/round/Box; W1521A 
The Glen Els Hercynian SMW; DE; 0; 45.00%; 5.00cl; clear/round/-; W1521- 
Walkenried Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 4.00cl; clear/round/-; W1604- 
Whisdrink Whisky; DE; 0; 43.00%; 5.00cl; brown/round/-; W0738- 
Whisky 1814; DE; 0; 43.00%; 2.00cl; clear/round/-; W1011- 
Whisky 43; DE; 0; 43.00%; 5.00cl; clear/flat/-; W1010- 

80 bottles selected